One More Night Fnaf

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One more sleep (One more sleep until it's Christmas) One more sleep (Can't believe how much I missed us) One more sleep (One more sleep until it's Christmas) One more sleep Until we're rocking around the Christmas tree Until I got you sitting next to me We got a lot of catching up to do I just can't take this missing you 5 more nights on my own. Safari set up. When two new night guards join the Grand Re-opening of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza they are in search of a new night guard. Just One More Night. (FNAF Fan Fiction) Chapter 8: Golden Freddy. I mean, if they come back they might think we did things that we didn't do!' 'That only means one thing.'

The family of Israel had gone down into Egypt (in the days of Joseph) to escape the famine up in Palestine. But several hundred years had passed, and the family of Jacob had grown into a great host of people. The Pharaoh who had known Joseph was dead, and a new dynasty of Pharaoh's were ruling. The children of Israel were slaves to the Egyptians, toiling under the hot Egyptian sun. They had to gather their own straw to make bricks.

Eventually the Children of Israel cried for deliverance from their bondage, and God heard their cry. God called Moses and told him to go to Pharaoh and ask him to release the Children of Israel so that they might return to their native land of Canaan. Moses went to Pharaoh and made the request—but Pharaoh refused to let them go. And the Bible says God sent a number of judgments (plagues) upon the land of Egypt. One of the plagues was an abundance of frogs.

Exodus 8:3 says the frogs were in the bedrooms, the parlors, the ovens, and in the kneading troughs. God had said, 'If you refuse to let the Children of Israel go, behold I will smite your borders with frogs.' And God always keeps His word. Pharaoh refused to let the people of Israel go, and frogs came up and covered the land. Look at that Egyptian housewife opening her oven—she screams, and out jump frogs. Think of the weary laborer, pulling down his covers to crawl into bed—only to find that frogs are his bed-partners. Another is putting on his clothes, only to find that his pockets are filled with frogs. See those Egyptian boys (kicking their way along the road to school)—everywhere they walk, they squash frogs between their toes.

There were frogs in the palace, frogs in the cottage, frogs in the house, frogs in the yard—little frogs, big frogs, thousands of dead frogs heaped up in smelly mountains, as millions more came from the river to take their places.

Finally Pharaoh could stand it no longer. Those green, cold, slimy, slippery frogs got the best of him. He called for Moses the servant of God, and this is what he said: 'Entreat the Lord that he may take away the frogs from me and from my people; and I will let the people go, that they may do sacrifice unto the Lord' (Exodus 8:8). Moses must have been over-joyed! At last Pharaoh had made up his mind! He finally decided to let the Children of Israel go. And so Moses said, 'Glory over me: when shall I entreat for thee, and for thy servants, and for thy people, to destroy the frogs from thee and thy houses, that they may remain in the river only?' (Exodus 8:9). When shall I entreat for thee? And Pharaoh said . . . (listen) . . . and Pharaoh said, 'Tomorrow.'

Now I've never been able to figure that answer out. There were frogs in his food, frogs in his bed, frogs in his clothes, frogs all over his house—and God was standing ready to remove those frogs instantly. The decision was up to Pharaoh—and what did he say? 'Tomorrow . . . give me one more night with those frogs!'

Just why Pharaoh said 'Tomorrow,' we don't know. It may be that he still thought that the frogs were the result of some natural phenomenon, and that if he waited a little while longer, some favorable wind would come along and sweep them out of the land—and thus he wouldn't have to give God the credit for it—he could just say the wind did it. Pharaoh was a rebellious, proud, godless man—an exact picture of the soul outside of Christ today. He had been warned that the frogs would come, and because he stubbornly refused to obey God, they did come. And just so today—many people outside of Christ are unhappy and wretched and miserable—completely disgusted with life. There may be some reading this pamphlet who are just as miserable as Pharaoh was in that day when the whole land was covered with frogs.

The message of the Bible is that Jesus Christ stands ready to remove those frogs—to take away your uncertainties and fears; to forgive your sins; and to offer complete pardon. He will give you an abundant life here, and an eternal life with God the Father in the world to come. There are at least four reasons why you should not say tomorrow, and why you should not choose (like Pharaoh did) to spend one more night with the frogs.

1. The Holy Spirit Calls Today

The message of the Holy Spirit to every lost soul, is 'Be saved today.' The devil says, 'Wait, and put it off until tomorrow.' God says, 'Come, and come right now.' The Bible says, 'Today, if you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. Multi device trackpad.

One thing sure—the day of grace is still open for each one reading this message. The Saviour pleads with men to come to Him now. The gates of Heaven are open now. God's Holy Spirit calls now.

The Spirit of God seeks men who are lost, and convicts them, and warns them, and strives with them, in order that they might be saved. But remember that God's Spirit will not always call. He may not call tomorrow. The Bible says, 'Seek ye the Lord while he may be found; call ye upon him while he is near' (Isaiah 55:6). And in another place, God says, 'My Spirit shall not always strive with man' (Genesis 6:3). This implies that the Spirit of God may not always call.

Aaron Burr was the third vice-president of the United States. He was a brilliant student at Princeton University at age nineteen. A revival broke out on campus in those days, and Aaron was deeply convicted. He went to one of his teachers, and told him his dilemma. The teacher gave him a Bible, and told him to go back to his room, and settle the matter with God on his knees. Aaron tried to shake off the conviction. He went back to his room all right—but in desperation, he cried out, 'God, if you let me alone, I'll promise to let you alone.' And later Aaron said it was at that moment that all conviction left him. Years later, a good friend tried to introduce him to the Saviour—but the cold sweat poured out of his forehead, as he recounted to his friend how at the age of nineteen he had asked God to let him alone. It was then that he said, 'I never had one slight feeling ever since, that I should become a child of God.'

So many have the idea that they can get saved whenever they get ready. But the fact is, you'll get saved when the Spirit of God draws—and if He has called you for the last time, you'll never get saved. The poet says, 'There's a line that is drawn by rejecting the Lord, where the call of the Spirit is lost; as you hurry along, with the pleasure-mad throng, have you counted, have you counted the cost?' To say 'yes' to Jesus means life; to say 'no' means death. To say 'yes' means Heaven; to say 'no' means Hell. God Almighty draws a deadline across every sinner's path—on one side there's hope; on the other side, there's death! The first reason why you should not choose to spend one more night with the frogs, is because the Holy Spirit calls today, and if you trifle with the call of the Spirit, He may never strive with you again.

2. The Heart Constantly Gets Harder

The heart of every man and woman and boy and girl, becomes more and more hardened, every time he puts off the Gospel invitation. The Bible says, 'Exhort one another daily, while it is called today, lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin' (Hebrews 3:13).

The hardening of the heart is one of the most terrible calamities that can come upon a lost sinner, on this side of eternal destruction in Hell. One reason why the great majority of those who are saved, have been saved in childhood and youth—is simply because the child has the advantage of a tender heart. The child has a tender conscience that grieves over sin; the child is easily moved by the fear of punishment; the child knows that it's dangerous to go on in sin. But one who continues in sin, and ignores the call of the Spirit of God, will find that his heart becomes calloused and hardened and accustomed to sin.

Every brazen infidel was once a tender-hearted child, who may have trembled at the very thought of his sin and judgment—but delay over the years has hardened his heart. Every drunkard was once a pure and innocent child, likely beloved of his parents, and promising for the future. Every painted prostitute was once a sweet-faced little girl (precious and gentle), with holy possibilities—but now the passing days of unrebuked sin in her life, have led to an indifference about holy matters.

Oh the danger of a hardened heart! That innocent little child, born into the world with bright eyes, happy smiles, and a sweet disposition—gradually becomes hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. And each day he puts off the call of the Spirit, there's less and less concern for the things of God, and more and more concern for the things of the world—and the heart becomes more and more hardened. If you are reading this message, and you're past twenty years of age your chances for getting saved are growing smaller indeed. Five-sixths of all decisions for Christ are made before twenty; eleven-twelfths of all decisions are made before the age of twenty-five; and only one out of a thousand becomes a child of God after the age of thirty. It is not impossible to be saved in an old age, but it's unusual. God can save regardless of age. If you are a hardened sinner, a drunkard in the gutter, a prostitute, an infidel—whatever your condition—Jesus died for you. There is a new life of joy awaiting you but you have to give Him the consent of your will. If He is calling you today, why spend one more night with the frogs?

3. The Growing Nearness of Christ's Coming

There is not a single event prophesied in the Bible, which must come to pass before Jesus returns. Not another war needs to be declared; not another sermon needs to be preached; not another prophecy needs to be fulfilled. As far as can be told from the Scriptures, Jesus may come at any moment to catch up His Bride (the church). It's true that many don't believe He is coming back. I have met them, talked with them, read their books—but the fact still remains that each passing day brings us one day closer to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The angels said at the time of His ascension, 'This same Jesus who is taken up . . . shall so come again.'

There will he a resurrection of the Christian dead. The bodies of those who sleep in Jesus, will rise from their graves, and then those who are alive (in Christ) will be 'caught up together with them' (1 Thessalonians 4:17). Those who are unsaved, will be left behind here on earth when Jesus comes. They will go into a time of trouble and sorrow such as this world has never seen before nor will ever see again. Only God knows the misery and the agony of those awful days. Men will desire to die, but death will flee from them. An unknown poet says:

When the great plants of our cities,
Shall have turned out their last finished work,
And the merchants have sold their last order
And dismissed every last tired clerk;
When our banks have raked in their last dollar,
And have paid out their last dividend;
When the judge of the earth says, 'Closed for the night,'
And calls for a balance—what then?
When the choir has sung its last anthem,
And the preacher has voiced his last prayer,
When the people have heard their last sermon
And the sound has died out on the air;
When the Bible lies closed on the altar,
And the pews are all empty of men;
When each one stands facing his record,
And the great Book is opened—what then?

Five More Nights Fnaf

God's timetable is set. The hour is getting late. Your chances of ever getting saved are growing fainter and fainter with the benediction of every Gospel service. Jesus may return at any moment—and this is another urgent, pressing reason why you should not spend another night with the frogs of misery and uncertainty in your life.

4. The Uncertainty of Life and the Certainty of Death

The Bible says, 'Go to now, ye that say today or tomorrow we will go into such a city and continue there a year, and buy and sell and get gain; whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow; for what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time, and then vanishes away' (James 4:13-14). It's silly for any person to say that he knows what will happen tomorrow. How do you know you'll buy and sell tomorrow? How do you know you'll go to work tomorrow morning? How do you know you'll get home safely on your next trip? One man dies every second, and your turn may be coming very soon. The death-angel might well appear to you before this day is completed, and say, 'Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee.'

It seems but yesterday that I was a child, walking barefooted through the fields, with the carefree abandon of childhood. Then came youth with its mingled joys, and then suddenly I crossed the bridge into adulthood—and you know, the time seems to have gone so fast that I still often have trouble getting myself to believe that I've grown up and that I've become an adult. And the years seem to move with increasing speed as I plunge toward old age.

The Bible says, 'As for man, his days are as grass, as a flower of the field; the wind passeth over it, and it is gone' (Psalms 103:14). Your life—which seems so well established and so important today—is really only like a fragile blade of grass. You may boast of your good health and your long years of sound life—but be assured of this, you have an inescapable appointment with death. Your body, which today is active and energetic, will someday become cold and still. Your strength, your voice, your senses—will be gone forever! Your physical frame will disintegrate and return to the dust of the earth! I beg you to set your house in order today, so that you'll be prepared for that moment when you breathe your last mortal breath. There's no 'tomorrow' salvation with God. The Bible says, 'Come now and let us reason together, saith the Lord; though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow.' God wants to reason with you about your salvation, and He wants to do it today—because tomorrow may be too late. The Bible says, 'Boast not thyself of tomorrow, for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.' We never know when our moment of death is coming—but one thing sure, when God calls your number, you're going to go! This is the fourth reason why you should not choose to spend one more night with the frogs.

If you are not a child of God today, there's likely only one thing standing in your way. I don't know what it is. It may be intellectual pride, or some selfish ambition, or some worldly pleasure—but whatever it is, you are at the place where the road parts. Here's Jesus on one side, and here's some pleasure or some selfish ambition on the other side. You are going to make a choice today. You will either choose for Jesus, or against Him. He stands ready to forgive your sins, to remove the frogs, and to inscribe your name in the Lamb's Book of Life—if you'll only call on Him.

Why do you wait dear brother?
Oh why do you tarry so long?
Your Saviour is waiting to give you
A place in his sanctified throng.

One More Night Fnaf

Today you still have a chance. Don't throw it away. Jesus calls tenderly. Won't you hear His voice, and turn to Him, and live eternally in His presence? There'll be a spring in your step, and a joy in your soul, and a peace in your heart—like you have never experienced before.


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Song Released: 2012

One More Night Lyrics

You and I go hard at each other like we're going to war,
You and I go rough we keep throwing things and slamming the doors,
You and I get so damn dysfunctional we start keeping score,
You and I get sick yeah I know that we can't do this no..

    click a star to vote
    Dec 13th 2012report

    i would have to say this is about two people in a relationship. he is a fighter and is always leaving and she is afraid to tell him he needs to stay so she gets upset he keeps saying i will be with you for one more night then but he keeps staying cuz he loves her and they have a child together and after awhile she leaves and takes her goldfish in the end along with everything else how she knew which one was hers in just scary though.

  2. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Mar 29th 2017report

    This song is hands down about heroin. I knew it as soon as I listened to it. I guess one would have to experience this type of relationship with drugs in order to truly understand what he's saying. But I'm positive that this song is about drugs and most likely heroin.

  3. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Jan 30th 2017report

    I think two people hate each other but end up falling in love and now they can't live without each other.

  4. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Sep 1st 2014report

    I think the song is about drugs, specifically heroin.

  5. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Jun 18th 2014report

    He is sick of the relationship.

  6. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Dec 7th 2013report

    It's about a relationship upon its death throes before it ends. No one is happy anymore and merely existing within it is simply not enough. Sure, both partners know the triggers and tricks to get each other to do what they want or feel a certain way..but its beyond the breaking more night and its over..buh-bye..

  7. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Mar 25th 2013report

    It's about sex

  8. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Dec 21st 2012report

    it's about a sexual realtionship maybe he feels that it is not right to be with the girl yet he can't fight his feelings for her or for how she makes him feel and each time he blames himself for not taking a final decision to leave beacause simply he can't resist her ;)

  9. nobodyyouknow
    click a star to vote
    Dec 13th 2012report

    It's about a relationship. One of them wants out but they can't find it in themself to leave.

  10. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Dec 7th 2012report

    I think it is about a guy and a girl in a relationship, he wants to leave. They are always fighting but they have sex and he stays. Amazon s3 ftp. He wakes up and is annoyed at himself for staying -.-

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Fnaf 5 More Nights

Fnaf 5 more nights

Today you still have a chance. Don't throw it away. Jesus calls tenderly. Won't you hear His voice, and turn to Him, and live eternally in His presence? There'll be a spring in your step, and a joy in your soul, and a peace in your heart—like you have never experienced before.


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Song Released: 2012

One More Night Lyrics

You and I go hard at each other like we're going to war,
You and I go rough we keep throwing things and slamming the doors,
You and I get so damn dysfunctional we start keeping score,
You and I get sick yeah I know that we can't do this no..

    click a star to vote
    Dec 13th 2012report

    i would have to say this is about two people in a relationship. he is a fighter and is always leaving and she is afraid to tell him he needs to stay so she gets upset he keeps saying i will be with you for one more night then but he keeps staying cuz he loves her and they have a child together and after awhile she leaves and takes her goldfish in the end along with everything else how she knew which one was hers in just scary though.

  2. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Mar 29th 2017report

    This song is hands down about heroin. I knew it as soon as I listened to it. I guess one would have to experience this type of relationship with drugs in order to truly understand what he's saying. But I'm positive that this song is about drugs and most likely heroin.

  3. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Jan 30th 2017report

    I think two people hate each other but end up falling in love and now they can't live without each other.

  4. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Sep 1st 2014report

    I think the song is about drugs, specifically heroin.

  5. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Jun 18th 2014report

    He is sick of the relationship.

  6. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Dec 7th 2013report

    It's about a relationship upon its death throes before it ends. No one is happy anymore and merely existing within it is simply not enough. Sure, both partners know the triggers and tricks to get each other to do what they want or feel a certain way..but its beyond the breaking more night and its over..buh-bye..

  7. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Mar 25th 2013report

    It's about sex

  8. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Dec 21st 2012report

    it's about a sexual realtionship maybe he feels that it is not right to be with the girl yet he can't fight his feelings for her or for how she makes him feel and each time he blames himself for not taking a final decision to leave beacause simply he can't resist her ;)

  9. nobodyyouknow
    click a star to vote
    Dec 13th 2012report

    It's about a relationship. One of them wants out but they can't find it in themself to leave.

  10. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Dec 7th 2012report

    I think it is about a guy and a girl in a relationship, he wants to leave. They are always fighting but they have sex and he stays. Amazon s3 ftp. He wakes up and is annoyed at himself for staying -.-

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